When a young magician discovers his powers, the world changes before his very eyes...
Ruger Stern is heading off to college when he is approached by Amanda Newport, an operative in the CIA's secret Torrent Control Organization. Amanda reveals a magical realm that Ruger could never have imagined—and offers to train him so he can attain his power.
Recruited to work in the TCO's elite Librarian program, Ruger quickly learns the difference between friend and foe. And that not all magic-wielders are good. Some are searching for dark grimoires that could destroy the world.
As he hunts down members of a magical terror group, he learns the hard truth about loyalties. In the end, Ruger must decide if his magic will be used for good... or evil.
A BETRAYAL OF MAGIC is an exciting prequel to book one of the Jayne Thorne, CIA Librarian fantasy series, TOMB OF THE QUEEN.
Publisher: Two Tales Press
Original Release Date: December 16, 2022
Formats: eBook